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Secondary School September 2025

IMPORTANT Secondary School Information

Children in Year 6 Sept 2024- July 2025 will be starting secondary school in September 2025. ALL parents must apply for secondary school places.

As we are a Buckinghamshire school we are provided with information from Buckinghamshire. This information will be useful to all parents.  However, it is important to note that applications for secondary school MUST be done through the website of the county you live in. We have some Slough families and have therefore provided some information with regard to Slough.

You are entitled to choose/apply to any school, no matter what county you live in. But you must be realistic about your child's chances of being offered a place. This is often based on the distance you live from the school. Please read carefully the admissions criteria for the school you are interested in. These can be found on individual school websites.

Buckinghamshire residents must apply for their child’s secondary schools through Bucks

Deadline: Midnight 31st October 2024.

If you live in Buckinghamshire, visit between 10 September and 31 October 2024.

If you live elsewhere, apply via your own LA’s website

All you need is an email address.

National Offer Day 1st March 2025 - This is when you find out what school has been allocated

Support for Moving to Secondary School

To help families get ready for the transition, Buckinghamshire Council’s Family Information Service now have web pages on the wellbeing aspects of moving up to secondary school aimed at both children and families. As well as useful tips, there is also information on getting further support if it’s needed.

Please see the link below which will take you to the pages that have been developed:

Grammar Schools

All children at SMFR are automatically entered for the Buckinghamshire Transfer Test which are sat in school. However, most children do not need to sit the test. 

Grammar schools are not suitable for every child. Please think carefully about whether sitting the test is going to be a positive experience for your child.

If you do not wish your child to sit the tests, you must put this in writing to the Headteacher. You can do this at any point before either test.

Children who wish to attend a Grammar school that is not in Buckinghamshire, will need to sit the test appropriate to the school.

Useful Documents