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Year 2 Shackleton Class!

Welcome to Year 2 Shackleton Class!

My name is Mrs Daly and I am very much looking forward to exploring the curriculum with your children and seeing what amazing things your children will learn and do this year. I am really excited to start reading some magnificent books in English and solving problems in Maths as well as doing fun activities across the Curriculum that challenge us! Our wonderful TA this year is Miss C and we have Mrs A supporting a child in the class too so we are very lucky to have them to help your children learn, grow and Flourish at SMRF!

PE DAYS - Monday and Fridays. Come to school in your PE kit and trainers for these days.

Brace yourself for the exciting year ahead smiley

Welcome to our class page. Here you will find:

  • Home Learning for this term
  • Our Curriculum
  • Other resources to ensure you ‘exercise your brain’

Please send photos and work completed directly to your class teacher via the school office -

Please feel free to contact us through the office if you have any queries or questions:                       

Thank you!

Spellings Autumn Term 2024: 

Please find your child's weekly spellings in their blue Spelling Practice books. Mrs Daly has extra copies of weekly spellings, so if you can not find them, just ask at the end of the day! Spelling tests will now be on a WEDNESDAY.

New spelling lists will now go home on a Wednesday in the blue books.

Home Learning and Autumn Curriculum Grid 2024

Click here to view Autumn Curriculum Grid  


BELOW shows some fun we had in the previous academic Year 2 year!

Science investigation

In Science, we talked about how germs spread from person to person through direct and indirect contact. In groups, we put petroleum jelly on our hands and sprinkled glitter onto them. Each group had a different coloured glitter. We then participated in simple shared games and activities, such as clapping, catching and drawing. We then observed how the different coloured glitter had passed from one person to the other through direct and indirect activities.

Below are some photos of our investigation.

World Book Day 2024!

Numbers Day February 2024!

Library Fun in School!

Science investigation

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Year 2 reading in the sunshine

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RE Lesson - Nativity Role Play!


Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 2024

Please see our sections for other resources to ensure you ‘exercise your brain’