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FAITH: Collective Worship

Here at St Mary’s school we are very committed to developing a Christian ethos which is fostered through our values:

Faith, Family, Future and Flourish.

Our Collective worship is focused around a key theme each week which is developed both through ‘in class’ and ‘whole school’ worship. We have regular assemblies with our linked clergy Reverend Chloe and celebrate a range of religious festivals drawing on both the experiences of the children and staff who belong to our school.

We truly believe that daily Collective Worship brings us closer as a school by fostering shared values, a sense of unity and belonging and also exposure to diverse beliefs.


Daily worship:

Monday - Clergy assembly with Reverend Chloe

Tuesday - In class Collective Worship

Wednesday - Whole school Collective Worship singing assembly

Thursday - In class Collective Worship

Friday - Whole school worship - achievement assembly


Promoting diversity in our school is essential for creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment where all of our students feel valued and respected. Here at SMFR, we try to incorporate these beliefs into our Collective Worship themes and also throughout other areas of our curriculum.